An effective solution to prevent bedsore

Using Smartform, we primarily want to help users with severe mobility impairments. The main purpose of the device is to prevent bedsores due to automatic movement. This would save both the disabled person and their carer from a very cumbersome and constant care process.

Improving the quality of life among people with reduced mobility

Smartform can also help users who live with partial mobility and want to be more independent in their daily lives.

It is important to add that quality of life is always determined by the individual, not by society or other external factors. So, in short, we can talk about a high quality of life when a given person feels his or her life and everyday life is as complete as possible, both from a health and social and spiritual point of view.

In fact, these factors are in constant interaction with each other. After all, if we feel good, so we are happy, we can participate in our work much more effectively and motivated. Furthermore, if we find the profession, vocation, occupation that brings joy where we feel we can be fulfilled, we will also embark on the path to happiness.

Of course, quality of life cannot be enhanced by work alone. Our well-being and everyday life are influenced in the same way by our social relations, our financial well-being and our state of health.

The above applies to healthy people as well as to our fellow human beings who are disabled in their mobility. Whether it is an injury caused by it or an injury caused by an accident, sooner or later the general, basic aspiration of the individual will always be to increase the quality of life. Rehabilitation, on the other hand, has a huge role to play in achieving this. It is the responsibility of those around people with reduced mobility to ensure this at the highest possible level.

Disabled ≠ patient

Society also has an important responsibility not to reinforce disease awareness in people with reduced mobility, as they can become full members of the economy with the right support and conditions. It is in our common interest for injured people to rejoin the world of work as soon as possible and it is our human duty to treat them equally in all situations, even if they need help.